Doomsayer News is Now Volk News

Over the next two weeks everything “Doomsayer” with the exception of being “Johnny Doomsayer” will upgrade to everything “Volk.”
So, Doomsayer News is now going to be called Volk News and will be online at
The Doomsayer News Stream is going to become a daytime stream called Volkstream, with Johnny Doomsayer. That will be on Volk TV but will also be on White Pilled, Goyim TV, Odysee, Rumble, DLive, and X. Volkstream will be alongside Volk News being updated daily. We will also be bringing on additional writers, streamers, etc in the future.
Be sure to also check out the other Volk Apps:
Volk Network
Volk Send
If you’re seeing this on Doomsayer News this will be the last article posted. All past Doomsayer News articles are also available now and thereafter.