Trump Justice Department Forms Task Force to Round Up jewish Supremacy Noticers

DOJ made this announcement that they are forming a task force to go after people in college who defy jewish supremacy. They’re starting with the kids first, but this will spread to every facet of life in America.
Task Force Composition: Multi-agency, involving:
- U.S. Department of Justice
- U.S. Department of Education
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
- Additional unspecified agencies.
Coordinated by the Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division, with Leo Terrell as Senior Counsel to the Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights leading the task force.

Let’s see the pattern in news:
Epstein’s Lawyer is Set to Become Part of Trump’s Special Envoy to Monitor & Combat Antisemitism
jews Mad: Antisemitism Bills Not Included
Cuckservative Zionist Virginia Attorney General Issues Letter on Campus Antisemitism
Trump Signs Executive Order to Deport Those Who Question jewish Supremacy
ADL’s Plan to Use Israeli Military to Crush American Free Speech
Ted Cruz Says Free Speech Criticizing jews Ends At Colleges Next Year